Updating Skills

Posted: 2019-02-15 15:51:23 by Alasdair Keyes

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Anyone who works in the modern corporate environment is well aware that the landscape changes quickly and that it's very easy to become complacent, resting on previous experience and not updating your skill-set for the future.

This is why I have undertaken the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks bear identification test to hone my ursine identification skills. With a quite staggering 86.7% accuracy, I am able to identify the difference between the types of bear found in Montana and surrounding states.

I have never been to Montana, I have no plans to visit Missoula or Great Falls. But I know that should I ever get caught in the North-Western wilderness of the United States I will be able to fall back on my above-par identification skills.

Bear Certificate

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© Alasdair Keyes

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