
Posted: 2010-03-07 23:40:34 by Alasdair Keyes

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For the past 4 years or so, I've used Sendmail as my MTA of choice, no real reason for it except that it was the default on most Linux distros. However, over the same time, all the mail systems I've had to maintain professionally have been Exim. I'm in the process of migrating my dedicated server over to a Daily VPS solution... mainly because I created the whole system so I trust it :)

Anyway, I've decided that instead of using Sendmail, which is pretty horrid, clunky and not easily (in my opinion) extendible, I'd change my MTA to Exim and Dovecot.

Although MTAs are a necessary evil as email's not going anywhere... I hate them, I hate MTAs, I hate configuring them, I hate tweaking them, and although I think Exim's configurability is outstanding, it can be a real pain setting up a mail server so I thought I'd outline how to setup a basic Exim mail server (Under CentOS 5). As I only have ~20 domains which don't change very often, I've decided to stick with file-based mail configuration, you can use a SQL backend, but there's no need for it on my system. This setup will hold mailboxes/forward and allow users to send mail. So...

Install exim and if necessary remove any other MTA on the machine (Sendmail,Postfix,etc). Also install saslauthd for authentication and dovecot for mail collection.

yum remove sendmail -y;
yum install exim dovecot saslauthd -y

Create a folder to hold the mail routing information on a per-domain basis. In this folder we will create files with the same name as the domains we wish to handle mail for and in each file we will place the mail routing information

mkdir /etc/exim/mail_configs
chown root:mail /etc/exim/mail_configs

Create the file /etc/exim/mail_configs/example.com to hold information for a domain example.com

al : al@localhost
* : :fail: Unknown User
group : al[at]gmail[dot]com,al[at]hotmail[dot]com

The above tells it to deliver al@example.com to the localuser al. To forward group@example.com to a Hotmail and Gmail address and reject all other addresses. That's all that's required for the per-domain setup, now we just have to configure Exim.

In /etc/exim/exim.conf change the following...

Tell exim that all the names of all the files in /etc/exim/mail_configs should be considered the domains we handle locally

domainlist local_domains = @ : localhost : localhost.localdomain


domainlist local_domains = @ : localhost : localhost.localdomain : dsearch;/etc/exim/mail_configs

Tell Exim how to find local users, place this block as the first entry in Exim's router configuration

      driver = redirect
      domains = dsearch;/etc/exim/mail_configs
      data = ${expand:${lookup{$local_part}lsearch*@{/etc/exim/mail_configs/$domain}}}
      pipe_transport   = address_pipe
      file_transport   = address_file

Tell Exim to allow plaintext authentication when users send emails through the server. Enter this under the begin authenticators section of exim.conf

begin authenticators

  driver                     = plaintext
  server_set_id              = $auth2
  server_prompts             = :
  server_condition           = ${if saslauthd{{$2}{$3}{smtp}} {1}}
  server_advertise_condition = ${if def:tls_cipher }

  driver                     = plaintext
  server_set_id              = $auth1
  server_prompts             = <| Username: | Password:
  server_condition           = ${if saslauthd{{$1}{$2}{smtp}} {1}}
  server_advertise_condition = ${if def:tls_cipher }

Because we're using plaintext, force users who want to send mail to use TLS otherwise they'll just get a relay denied error. Enter this under the main exim config section

auth_advertise_hosts = ${if eq {$tls_cipher}{}{}{*}}

By default Exim will store messages in /var/mail/$user as a regular spool. I want to use Maildir storage so Change the local_user transport section to use maildir

  driver = appendfile
  file = /var/mail/$local_part
  group = mail
  mode = 0660


  driver = appendfile
  directory = $home/Maildir

That's Exim sorted. Now we tell saslauthd to look at the /etc/shadow file for authentication and not PAM. Edit /etc/sysconfig/saslauthd Change MECH=pam to MECH=shadow

Finally tell Dovecot that we're using Maildir and not mbox. Of course this step isn't necessary if you want to use mbox. Edit /etc/dovecot.conf and set

mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir

Restart the lot

service exim restart;
service saslauthd restart;
service dovecot restart;

If you found this useful, please feel free to donate via bitcoin to 1NT2ErDzLDBPB8CDLk6j1qUdT6FmxkMmNz

BASHing things up

Posted: 2009-11-24 01:20:23 by Alasdair Keyes

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Anyone who uses Linux will most likely be familiar with BASH the Bourne Again SHell. Although on the whole it is fantastic out of the box and requires no customisation to be useful, however there are a few tiny things that niggle at me which I have finally looked into sorting, so I thought I might share...

If you work as part of a team to administer servers, you will no doubt have found that BASH's standard history logging can be a bit lacking. If two people are logged in under the same user (such as root), you will find that whoever logs out last will have their history added to the ~/.bash_history file, the user to log out first has their changes wiped out... this is because when you logout BASH saves your history completely over-writing the file. This can be a great pain especially when you need to log back in and look at what you did. To change this set the following in your ~/.bashrc, which tells BASH to append your changes instead of completely overwrite. Be warned, you will have to keep an eye on the size of your history file,

shopt -s histappend

The second annoyance I has is that if your network connection to the remote machine died or the box froze/rebooted then your last bash session's history would not be saved as it only saves on logout. To get BASH to save instantly, add the following

PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a'

I hope this helps those with similar issues.

If you found this useful, please feel free to donate via bitcoin to 1NT2ErDzLDBPB8CDLk6j1qUdT6FmxkMmNz


Posted: 2009-09-12 18:46:56 by Alasdair Keyes

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When developing new applications, I often find that I make use of CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) http://search.cpan.org and use modules in applications that I write.

The standard way of installing modules is by using cpan from the command line

# cpan -i Perl::Module

This is fine when installing the module on just one server, but if you have a cluster or the module needs to be distributed to other machines, running cpan on each is time consuming and difficult to script, especially if the module needs to be installed automatically on newly built machines.

The answer for this is cpan2rpm, it holds no suprises, it takes an module from CPAN and builds an RPM for it, you can then add the RPM to a YUM repository.

Download it here http://sourceforge.net/projects/cpan2rpm/ I'm going with the RPM as it makes installation so much easier

It has a number of dependencies, mostly perl modules, but also rpm-build, so make sure you have that installed

# wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/cpan2rpm/files/cpan2rpm/2.027/cpan2rpm-2.027-1.noarch.rpm/download
# yum install rpm-build
# rpm -ivh cpan2rpm-2.027-1.noarch.rpm

There are many options for it, you can add author information and also sign the generated RPM, but for simple use that's not necessary, something as simple as

# cpan2rpm --no-sign Perl::Module
-- cpan2rpm - Ver: 2.027 --
Upgrade check
Fetch: HTTP

-- module: Perl::Module --
Found perl-module-1.00.tar.gz
+ exit 0
RPM: /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/noarch/perl-Perl-Module-1.00.noarch.rpm
SRPM: /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS/perl-Perl-Module-1.00.src.rpm
-- Done --
[1]+  Terminated              perl_module

You can then install the RPM on your machine

# rpm -ivh usr/src/redhat/RPMS/noarch/perl-Perl-Module-1.00.noarch.rpm

If you found this useful, please feel free to donate via bitcoin to 1NT2ErDzLDBPB8CDLk6j1qUdT6FmxkMmNz

/etc/shadow hash generation in shell

Posted: 2009-08-17 17:25:51 by Alasdair Keyes

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I've been playing about with system templating recently, configuring a base Linux system then allowing it to be customised for future roll-out without starting the machine up. I found the following little trick to generating password hashes as they appear within the /etc/shadow file. It uses the mkpasswd binary, there are many ways to generate the hash which use openssl and various password apps, but this was the most simple I came across.

I don't believe mkpasswd is in the CentOS yum repo, but is available in Ubuntu's apt repo (apt-get install mkpasswd).

MD5 hashed passwords as found as default on Redhat/CentOS systems

# mkpasswd -m md5 password saltsalt

SHA512 hashed passwords as found on Ubuntu

# mkpasswd -m sha-512 password saltsaltsaltsalt

If you found this useful, please feel free to donate via bitcoin to 1NT2ErDzLDBPB8CDLk6j1qUdT6FmxkMmNz

© Alasdair Keyes

IT Consultancy Services

I'm now available for IT consultancy and software development services - Cloudee LTD.

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